Monday, October 17, 2011

The First One

  Buenos Noches my friends.  I realize that no one is following me... yet, but I still feel like it is necessary to start this all off with a friendly greeting.  As we stumple along, I would first like to say that my inspiration for this blog was my sister-in-law, Adrienne.  She started one, which gave me the idea, which I hope will become a trend so that I have a great variety of interesting blogs to view.  Second of all, I am not one of those people who can really stick to one thing for an extended amount of time.  So, to you steady bloggers out there who have enough enthusiasim to post daily or weekly, kudos. Kudos x600,000.  I envy you like you'll never know.  I, for one, will probably not be posting on this on a regular basis.  Will I try to? Of course!  I know how interested you all are in my incredibly interesting (high school) life.  So, I will do my best.  But, like I said, I am in high school (10th grade to be precise, the hardest year of high school, if any of you remember) and my schedule consists of Cross Country practice, homework, sleep, the occasional facebook stalk, studying, and (my favorite passtime) reading a book to calm my brain, so please do not feel discouraged if I do not post a blog entry every week, I still love you.  If you find yourself missing my blog entries, I suggest that you find a back up blog to fill your time. I won't get jealous.

  As of right now, I am incredibly tired and should be sleeping.  But, as we all know, that probably will not happen.  It is scientifically proven that a large majority of teens are unable to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.  I am obviously in that majority.  Throughout my life, I have been called the "Night Owl" of my family.  Up until about 4 1/2 years ago, I was the only one.  But, when my older brother, Keegan, got married, I had a buddy to stay up with because she, Adrienne, is a night owl, just like me.  It's actually pretty nice.  But, be able to stay up all hours of the night isn't as glamorous as it seems.  Seeing as my sister-in-law lives approx. 500 miles away, I do not have a buddy to stay up with.  So, I find myself lying in bed and watching the shadows on my wall. Which is not a very good idea for someone who likes reading books about ghosts.   I will leave it here... at a dead end and pick it up tomorrow (or Wednesday or next week or next month) with another blog entry. Until then, so long. :)


  1. I'm the first comment! Yay me! :)

  2. You're so funny. Aren't you glad you have such a funny sister that helped mold you into the budding comedian you are today?
